Tuesday, April 27, 2010

One day we'll have it all.....

Now don't get me wrong...I totally appreciate everything that we have here in our modest abode.  And I totally agree that the things in life that are important aren't really "things", but the people we love and experiences we have that make us who we are today.....

Now with that being said I really don't think it would hurt to have say...just a little... I dunno...a few things like this....
A little indoor swimming pool - complete with pool boy of course

And one would need to have someone to take care of the home

(You better believe that was a difficult family friendly "maid" google image search)

Definitely need a little help with the day to day things

I think I'll name him Mr. Dibbles

Wouldn't my life be so much easier with one of these.....

I actually feel the anxiety of visiting anyone along the 401 series highways slowly retreating...

And everyone knows the most beneficial addition to our home would be our own personal chef

I know dare to dream....dare to dream...

We are a very fortunate family - in a lot of ways

Here is one example of my reality that is better than all above

 Amish child labour...yes... that really is a push mower

Pride in workmanship

And his own way in getting the job done right

Yes,  that is the snow shovel....

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tango died and The Boy got stoned........

Whew, what a day....

Yes, our last fishy friend has gone to the other side and No, the boy did not go on a bender to numb the grief....(more on his altered state later)

So the Boy comes into Mumma's room early this morning with the bad news.....poor Boy, big tears and everything.  We once again performed the toilet funeral and tried to remember the good times....oh the good times....the way all 3 would just sit there looking at you, the way Tango and Steve would swim fast and swim slow, the way Rocky would hide for hours on end in his hidey rock.....yes...the good times will remain.

Now for the Boy's exciting afternoon....

Today was the Boy's first foray into dental procedures.  Up until this point every dental visit consisted of the routine exam and cleaning - never a cavity, never a problem (Thank God) but today was a different story.

The Boy had to have 2 teeth shaved....yes I typed shaved....sounds weird and yes it was.
Apparently in order for his grown up teeth to come in right there needed to be some room.  Back in the day the dentist would just pull the teeth but as our awesome dentist explained "pulling the teeth are like killing a fly with a sledgehammer, really overkill, and this way is less traumatic and less expensive"  Did I mention he is the bestest!!! (And looking like Sting doesn't hurt either).

So in the chair he goes, dons the sunglasses, and the Star Wars movie is popped into the TV in the ceiling.
On goes the mask of "happy gas" and then the party begins......

Dr. Payne (yes honestly his name is Payne) explains to the Boy that he is going to start feeling really relaxed and that his toes might start feeling tingly.  The Boy sat there still as could be, not a word, not a peep from him.  Then Dr. Payne looks at me and whispers..."oh, it's working now".  "Are you feeling okay now?" to the Boy and the Boy responds with the longest and craziest giggle I have ever heard.  Seriously he sounded like a lunatic, but a really, really, really, funny lunatic.  Throughout the whole procedure periodically he lets out this drug induced giggle/laugh that would in turn make Dr. Payne chuckle and me quickly worry that this is the beginning of a hardcore laughing gas addiction......(and how can I get a shot of that.....)

Afterwards the Boy shared that he liked that gas cause it made everyone into cartoon characters and he could hear really silly music everytime the dentist talked......he also was convinced the whole way home that the gas made is arms smaller..."No seriously Mumma, I could never feel the bones in my arms and now I can....stop laughing at me Mumma, its real!"  Okay my sweet gas junkie....lipo from gas.  Oh and he also was convinced that his lip had to be swollen at least 10X' it's normal size (there was no swelling) cause "I know my original self and this is not my original self".  No truer words have been spoken.....

Anyhow now the gas and the freezing has worn off.  He tells me that he has a little pain but nothing a Children's Motrin can't help - but not till bedtime because god knows he will now have a legit reason not to be able to fall asleep tonight.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sit back and relax...this post is gonna be a long one...

You have  been forewarned,  the following post will contain a lot of stuff....everything from Jesus to toilets, love and mystery....and death...intrigued yes???

Let us begin with our glorious Easter Sunday, the celebration of Jesus' birthday, (no that's not right, that's when Santa brings presents) I mean death, ummm..no that 's not right...hang on - gonna call Ellen, she goes to Church....

Okay back to Easter - the celebration of Jesus' RESURRECTION...yes the resurrection when the Easter bunny brings chocolate and stuff....Anyhow this year the bunny brought the boy a new aquarium, 5 gallon tank to be exact - see below....

So the boy lived and breathed getting the tank ready for his new pets - bought the heater, the gravel, the fancy plant, and hidey rock.  We waited the required amount of time to let the water "settle" in the tank and then off we went back to Pet Smart to pick out our new lucky aquatic friends.

The boy decided on 3 new friends - 2 very small little Blue Guppies  (Steve and Tango) and one very large Rock Shrimp (Rocky).

Below are pictures of their first day in their new home

Letting them get acclimatized to their new environment
Then the release

Oh happiness!! They loved their new home and the boy loved them so!!!

Rocky sits on his rock flicking his little "arms?" which looked like he was playing some imaginary piano - sooo cute!!

Steve and Tango love playing tag chasing each other in the tank

Oh joy and happiness!!  Oh yes... yes...yesssss!

Then Tuesday everything changed (I'm sure you all felt a shift in the universe)....Steve was no longer swimming around chasing Tango, our beautiful new friend, Steve, was lying on the bottom of tank, yes, he was gone.....

So the traditional burial at sea was peformed for our dear fishy friend through the magic of the toilet.

This was not the first toilet funeral the boy has experienced - some of you may remember Flappy and his early demise in 2007

(Oh yes, I really did take pictures of this...and check out how clean the toilet is!!)

The boy was understandably upset but put on a brave face for Tango and Rocky's sake. 
Imagine the difficulty the boy had falling asleep knowing his trio of aquatic brothers were now down a man...

The next day the boy soldiered on, putting his grief aside, and off to school he went. 
Then...you guessed it....The HORROR....the HORROR!!!!! Rocky now too was no longer literally "swimming with the fishes" but "swimming with the fishes" mafia style that is....he had joined his fellow comrade in that giant fish tank in the sky...

Now of course the toilet burial was not appropriate due to Rocky's size - not that he was enormous but anyone who has had the pleasure of using our plumbing here know that anything larger than a pebble will likely cause an overflow....

So Rocky was lovingly placed in a beautiful "Fredya" jewellery box (seriously it was a nice box, Fredya jewellery rocks) and we will be holding the outside burial this weekend.  Now before you wonder if Rocky is starting to smell less than pleasant, rest assured he is in the freezer - ironically right next to the bag of jumbo shrimp the boy loves to eat.....

So then there was one - poor Tango, oh how alone he must feel, the boy was very concerned for his mental health,  tried to reassure him that things would be okay...but wait...the boy thought for sure he was.....smiling?
Hmmmm....could this be a matter of foul play....murder on the high seas???? 

Needless to say the tone of our home has been quite somber since Rocky's passing....the boy has been overly concerned for the well-being of our remaining friend - so much that a prompt washing out of the tank and new water was completed last night in the hopes that Tango will be spared an early death and that the mumma will stop calling his aquarium the "TANK OF DEATH". 

Even the dog could sense something was wrong.....

Honestly I think I know what has caused the deaths......our 14 day guarantee ended on Monday...mystery solved.