Monday, March 29, 2010

Yip Yip's a few little somethings to brighten the mumma's day.....

I finally received an order from Chapters and nothing could please me more on a stupid Monday....

Two things that make the mumma happy are:
1) Books and
2) Insane asylums
Yes you read that right, insane asylums - they are just so incredibly intriguing, calming (in a weird way) and yes, creepy.
Believe it or not there are people out there that are actively involved in the research, exploration, and history of the long ago "homes for the incurable".  Thank God these people exist, see I'm not just the crazy obsessed one.
I find the history of these buildings and the stories of those who spend their lives residing in such institutions both disturbing and fascinating (just like Lynne would say...)

So here is what I'll have my nose stuck in for the next little while:

Some people are interested in cars, sports, and civil war reenactments.  Meh, give me a tour of a Kirkbride and I would be floating on cloud nine for months....

So just in case you are feeling the need to buy me something that would make me happy then you could never go wrong with the following from my wish list....

And then there is this little jewel - actually watched a documentary on PBS last week about dear ole' Doctor Freeman and his "wild and crazy lobotomies" (said in my bestest Steve Martin voice)
....good times...good times......good times, indeed.....

So there you have it.....a little piece of happiness from me to you...

Oh yeah, almost forgot to inform those who are interested.....I quit my job on Thursday...

Night night all and happy reading!!!


Disneypal said...

Interesting reads. Did you see the movie "Shutter Island" - it takes place for the most part in an Asylm - you'd probably like it.

Kat said...

Unique choice in books! I bet they are very interesting!